Bald Eagles of the mississippi

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    “Inspirational reading and such gorgeous photography! These pictures must have taken many hours of patience to capture..”

    Amazon Customer

    What you get:

    Bald Eagles of the Mississippi tells the story of migratory Bald eagles, illustrated with beautiful full-color images. You'll receive a free downloadable pdf of the entire 30-page book, optimized for mobile devices.

    What is it all about?

    You will be introduced to a very special Bald Eagle, known as 'Backpack,' because he carries a GPS locator device.

    You'll learn the answers to some of the most common questions about Bald Eagle behavior:

    • Why do Bald Eagles migrate?
    • Where do they go when they migrate?
    • What do Bald Eagles eat?
    • How do Bald Eagles catch fish

    And, you'll see full-color photos of the entire breathtaking sequence of a Bald Eagle catching a fish.